Next Sunday, Andy Lefevere, business manager of Yprauto, will streets in the Hemicuda Rally in Koekelare. Last year Andy won this race at the wheel of his Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X R4, this year the garage owner will be at the start with a BMW 130i.
Next Sunday, Andy Lefevere, business manager of Yprauto, will streets in the Hemicuda Rally in Koekelare. Last year Andy won this race at the wheel of his Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X R4, this year the garage owner will be at the start with a BMW 130i.
Ma – Vr: 8.30 u – 12 u & 13.15 u – 18.30 u
Zaterdag: Op Afspraak
Zondag: Gesloten
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